
Hvem spiller med i Grease i Danmark?


  1. Hvem spiller med i Grease i Danmark?
  2. Hvem spiller med i Grease musical?
  3. Hvem er død fra Grease?
  4. Hvad hedder hovedpersonen i Grease?
  5. Hvem spiller Rizzo i Grease musical?
  6. Hvor gammel var Rizzo i Grease?
  7. Hvor er Sandy fra Grease?
  8. Hvad hedder hovedrollerne i Grease?
  9. Hvornår døde Sandy fra Grease?
  10. Hvor gammel er Sandy i Grease?
  11. Hvor gammel var Olivia i Grease?
  12. Hvor gammel er Travolta i Grease?
  13. Who are the actors in Grease?
  14. When was Grease released?
  15. How much money did grease make?
  16. Who are the Pink Ladies in Grease?
  17. When was Grease released?
  18. How much money did grease make?
  19. Is there a Grease 2?
  20. When is grease rise of the Pink Ladies filmed?

Hvem spiller med i Grease i Danmark?

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Hvem spiller med i Grease musical?

The show's original production was directed by Guy Barile, choreographed by Ronna Kaye and produced by the Kingston Mines Theatre Company founded by June Pyskacek on Chicago's Lincoln Avenue. The script was based on Jim Jacobs' experience at William Taft High School, Chicago.[3] Warren Casey collaborated with Jim and together they wrote the music and lyrics. It ran for eight months.[10] The cast: Doug Stevenson (Danny), Leslie Goto (Sandy), Sue Williams (Rizzo), Polly Pen (Patty), Gary Houston (Roger), Marilu Henner (Marty), James Canning (Doody), Hedda Lubin (Frenchy), Bruce Hickey (Kenickie), Sheila Ray Ceaser (Jan), Bill Cervetti (Miller), Jerry Bolnick (Sonny), Judy Brubaker (Miss Lynch), Mike O'Connor (Vince Fontaine), Steve Munro (Eugene), Barbara Munro (Cha Cha), Mac Hamilton (Teen Angel) and George Lopez (Bum). In addition to the "R-rated" profanity and deliberate use of shock value, the Chicago version of Grease included a substantially different songbook, which was shorter and included multiple references to real Chicago landmarks.[11]

Producers Ken Waissman and Maxine Fox saw the show and made a deal to produce it Off-Broadway. The team headed to New York City to collaborate on the New York production of Grease. It was after test runs of the original Chicago production had drawn extremely poor reviews that the production team transformed Grease into its familiar form.[12] The new production, directed by Tom Moore and choreographed by Patricia Birch (who later choreographed the film adaptation, and directed the ill-fated sequel), opened Off-Broadway at the Eden Theatre in lower Manhattan on February 14, 1972. Though Grease opened geographically off-Broadway, it did so under first class Broadway contracts.[13] The show was deemed eligible for the 1972 Tony Awards, receiving seven Tony Award nominations.

The Robert Stigwood Organization adapted Grease into a 1978 feature film, directed by Randal Kleiser. John Travolta, who had played Doody on Broadway and the national tour, performed as lead Danny Zuko, while Olivia Newton-John, an English Australian country-pop singer, was cast as Sandy; to accommodate the casting move, the character was rewritten as Australian immigrant Sandy Olsson (named after the maiden name of Ann-Margret, who was briefly considered for the role in the film), and parts of the score were replaced. Substantial portions of the script which included replaced or reduced supporting character roles and added on-screen roles for characters unseen in the stage version, were written in by Bronte Woodard, who also, at Kleiser's behest, moved the action to suburban Philadelphia.

Grease was a major success for both Stigwood and Paramount Pictures, who re-released the film several times; the film soundtrack made international hits out of several of the songs. Paramount also produced a sequel Grease 2, featuring a younger class of students at Rydell High School led by Maxwell Caulfield and Michelle Pfeiffer. Grease 2 was a critical failure that Jim Jacobs disowned after its release;[50][11]Grease 2 was a financial disappointment given the high expectations set by the original film. In the 2010s, work began on expanding the Grease brand into a full-fledged media franchise, with two prequels in production, Summer Lovin' (a film focusing on Danny and Sandy's summer before the events of the original Grease) and Rise of the Pink Ladies (a television series documenting the ascent of the Pink Ladies clique).

(Because of changes to the musical that have been made since the 1978 film, several variants exist. In the event two songs are listed at any given point, the first is from the 1972 Off-Broadway version, and the second is from revivals that use the film music, such as the 2007 version.)

Hvem er død fra Grease?

Olivia Newton-John er af mange kendt som Sandy i "Grease". Hun er mandag død. Hun blev 73 år.

Den britisk-australske sanger og skuespiller Olivia Newton-John, der blandt andet er kendt som "Sandy" fra den populære spillefilm "Grease", er død.

Hvad hedder hovedpersonen i Grease?

Betydningen af klassiske biler, som har været brugt i film viser for alvor, at film handler om så meget mere end blot at vælge de rigtige skuespillere. I denne artikel gennemgår vi og hylder en række klassiske biler fra klassiske film.

Biler har spillet en stor rolle for film i moderne tid. I langt de fleste film har biler en betydning for handlingen, udviklingen eller hovedpersonen, at man næsten kan tale om begrebet bi(l)roller. Hvad denne betydning er, er meget forskellig fra film til film. Måske hænger opfindelsen af bilen og opblomstringen af filmindustrien i det 20. århundrede uløseligt sammen. Særligt da Los Angeles er en by uden stort nogen form for offentlig transport. Bilen kan spille alle mulige roller for filmen. I den klassiske film Grease fra 1978 med John Travolta og Olivia Newton-John har bilen the Greased Lightning, som er en 1948 Ford de Luxe i en central rolle. Den er køretøj i et væddeløb, som både sætter den rivaliserende ”bande” på plads, men hvor det også går op for karakteren Sandy, hvem hun gerne vil være.

Hvem spiller Rizzo i Grease musical?


‘…….. Melodien og rytmerne rungede stadigvæk i øregangene da musikken stoppede og vi dansede ud i den kolde marts nat ….’

Hvor gammel var Rizzo i Grease?

In the summer of 1958, local boy Danny Zuko and vacationing Australian Sandy Olsson meet at the beach and fall in love. When the summer comes to an end, Sandy frets that they may never meet again, but Danny tells her that their love is "only the beginning".

At the start of the seniors' term at Rydell High School, Danny resumes his role as leader of the T-Birds greaser gang consisting of Doody, Sonny, Putzie, and his best friend Kenickie. Sandy's parents remain in America and enroll Sandy at Rydell where she meets greaser girl clique the Pink Ladies consisting of Frenchy, Marty, Jan and leader Rizzo.

Danny and Sandy recount their brief romance to their respective groups, Sandy recalling a romantic summer and Danny implying a more physical experience. When Sandy finally says Danny's name, Rizzo arranges a surprise reunion at a pep rally where Sandy meets Tom, a jock, and Kenickie unveils his new used car, Greased Lightnin', which he plans on street racing after a restoration. Caught between his feelings and his bad-boy reputation, Danny snubs Sandy in front of his gang and she becomes upset.

Director Randal Kleiser took numerous liberties with the original source material, most notably moving the setting from an urban Chicago setting (based on William Howard Taft High School[10]), as the original musical had been, to a more suburban locale, reflecting his own teenage years at Radnor High School in the suburbs of Philadelphia.[8] He had little control over the musical aspects of the film; his choice of theme song, a composition by Charles Fox and Paul Williams, was overruled when Robert Stigwood and Allan Carr commissioned a song from Stigwood's client Barry Gibb at the last minute.[11][12]

Hvor er Sandy fra Grease?

I rollen som Sandy vandt hun John Travoltas hjerte i filmen 'Grease'. Nu er hun død – 73 år gammel.

Den britisk-australske sanger døde fredfyldt i sit hjem i det sydlige Californien. Hun efterlader sig en datter, Chloe Lattanzi, der ogsÃ¥ er sanger og skuespiller. (Foto: Â© MARIO RUIZ, Ritzau Scanpix)

Hvad hedder hovedrollerne i Grease?

Advarsel! - Handling, afslutning og/eller plot afsløres i det følgende.

Filmen foregår på Rydell High School i 1950'erne, hvor man følger en gruppe elevers sidste år. Danny Zuko tilhører en drengegruppe, der gerne vil have et godt ry, men Danny har i sommerferien mødt den søde Sandy Olsson fra Australien og er blevet forelsket i hende.

Hvad Danny ikke ved, er at Sandy er blevet udvekslingsstudent på netop Rydell, og hun prøver at finde sin plads i pigegruppen Pink ladies, der består af lederen Betty Rizzo, Marty, Frenchy og Jan. Danny bliver forvirret over at se Sandy, og det meste af filmen går med forviklingerne mellem de to. Undervejs er der mange små bihistorier med nogle af de andre unge fra de to grupper, suppleret af et tv-transmitteret bal fra skolen og et bilvæddeløb mellem Kenickie fra Dannys gruppe og en barsk fyr fra en rivaliserende gruppe.

Hvornår døde Sandy fra Grease?

"Sandy" was one of the songs written specifically for the film that was not in the original musical,[2] which instead had a song named "Alone at a Drive-In Movie" at that point in the story. (Beginning with the 2003 stage production, some productions of the musical now use "Sandy" as it was in the film.)[1] The song is a lament from Danny, a member of the T-Birds gang, who has been abandoned at the drive-in movie after making sexual advances towards his girlfriend, Sandy, in his car. He wishes to see her at their school, but the pressure of being a member of the T-Birds has apparently made it impossible to maintain their relationship. He holds out hope that some day, after high school, the two can eventually reunite without those pressures. It was described by Variety as "Danny's lovesick ode to his wholesome chick".[1]

The song, being St. Louis's and Simon's only direct songwriting contribution to the film, uses a somewhat anachronistic style, and is performed in the manner of a late 1970s ballad with a rhythm section, string and piano accompaniment. Sha Na Na had declined an approach to perform in an off-Broadway production of Grease, but were again approached when the film was being made, and agreed.[3] Olivia Newton-John had brought songs to the film written by her writing producer John Farrar, prompting Travolta to request a song of his own, so St. Louis and Simon wrote "Sandy" as a result, only a week before the scene in which it was performed was filmed.[3]

Hvor gammel er Sandy i Grease?

Rollen i ”Grease” gjorde for alvor nu 69-årige Olivia Newton-John verdenskendt.

64-årige John Travolta cementerede sin stjernestatus i rollen som Danny i kultfilmen – og siden har han medvirket i et hav af film som bl.a. ”Pulp Fiction” og ”Hairspray”.

64-årige John Travolta cementerede sin stjernestatus i rollen som Danny i kultfilmen – og siden har han medvirket i et hav af film som bl.a. ”Pulp Fiction” og ”Hairspray”.

Siden rollen som Betty Rizzo i ”Grease” har nu 74-årige Stockard Channing optrådt i en del forestillinger på Broadway.

Hvor gammel var Olivia i Grease?

Vidste du fx, at Olivia Newton-John var 28 år gammel, da hun spillede den 17-årige Sandy Dumbrowski i filmhittet Grease fra 1978?

Vi har samlet 11 eksempler på film, hvor en af skuespillerne spillede en rolle, som slet ikke passede til deres egen alder.

Hvor gammel er Travolta i Grease?

Da filmen begynte i juni 1977, var John Travolta 23, Olivia Newton-John var 28, Stockard Channing var 33, Jeff Conaway var 26, Barry Pearl var 27, Michael Tucci var 31, Kelly Ward var 20, Didi Conn var 25; Jamie Donnelly var 30, og Annette Charles var 29.

Derfor var rollebesetningen til Grease så gammel?

Who are the actors in Grease?

The cast members of Grease have been in many other movies, so use this list as a starting point to find actors or actresses that you may not be familiar with. This list below has a variety of actors, like John Travolta and Michael Biehn, in it.

When was Grease released?

Grease was released in the United States on J, by Paramount Pictures. The film was successful both critically and commercially, becoming the highest-grossing musical film at the time.

How much money did grease make?

Grease was originally released in the United States on J, and was an immediate box-office success. In its opening weekend, the film grossed $8,941,7 theaters in the United States and Canada, ranking at number 2 (behind Jaws 2) at the box office for the weekend and with the all-time opening weekend records.

Who are the Pink Ladies in Grease?

Along the way, the Pink Ladies debate whether Susan, or anyone, can really change. Nancy and Cynthia are afflicted with crushes, but deal with them in very different ways. Watch Grease: Rise Of The Pink Ladies: You're Dropping Out Of Rydell? Jane Facciano … Olivia Valdovinos … Cynthia Zdunowski … Nancy Nakagawa … Hazel … Richie Valdovinos …

When was Grease released?

  • Grease was released in the United States on J, by Paramount Pictures. The film was successful both critically and commercially, becoming the highest-grossing musical film at the time.

How much money did grease make?

  • Grease was originally released in the United States on J, and was an immediate box-office success. In its opening weekend, the film grossed $8,941,717 in 862 theaters in the United States and Canada, ranking at number 2 (behind Jaws 2) at the box office for the weekend and with the all-time opening weekend records.

Is there a Grease 2?

  • A sequel, Grease 2, was released in 1982, starring Maxwell Caulfield and Michelle Pfeiffer as a newer class of greasers. Few of the original cast members reprised their roles.

When is grease rise of the Pink Ladies filmed?

  • In 2020, the series' title was changed to Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies. It premiered on Paramount+ Ap. Filming began in January 2022, and the series' cast was announced at the end of the month.